On the eve of my birthday, I was trying to decide how best to celebrate all by my lonesome in the middle of Scottish farm territory without any way to call or Skype my loved ones for a birthday wish. Suddenly, the phone rang. I almost didn't pick it up.
That can't be for me, I knew. But I picked it up anyway, in case somebody was looking for a runaway sheep or something.
On the other end was the
best birthday surprise ever. The caller was Sarah Carmichael-Smith, daughter of the current (30th) Chief of Carmichael, Richard Carmichael of Carmichael, inviting
me to dinner. Complete surprise, and total blessing! I immediately accepted, having long wanted to meet the chief of our most noble bloodline. :3

So on the night of the 15th, Sarah picked me up and drove me to the Carmichaels' house, where we ate a delicious meal complete with local ice cream and raspberries for dessert. Richard and Trish are really wonderful and surprising people; they're into orienteering and skiing, and seem extremely fit and vivacious, well-suited to the many demands of both the agricultural Estate and the historical, genealogical half of the job. Sarah is headed to the States soon, having married a Tennessean. Maybe I'll see her for some hiking this fall.
I had the best time, and it was a really fitting end to my visit at Carmichael--

The Estate is gorgeous, with big rolling hills and lots of wild animals. I saw a wild stag, doe, squirrels, hares beyond number, an adorable stoat, and at least 10 pheasants. I saw the massive, impressive ruins of Carmichael House (abandoned in 1950, after a stint as a nursing home and station for Polish officers during WWII) on the site of an older castle, climbed (almost) Carmichael Hill, saw Carmichael village and its ancient little church with lots of dead Carmichaels tucked around it, cooked venison and free-range eggs from the Estate, and walked myself sore.
Scotland is so lovely. I'll post pictures of Carmichael soon under "Faux Pas," as well as some on this post. I'll be leaving Scotland for Paris tomorrow, then home soon. Sigh, it's about time.
Best birthday abroad.
awe, I'm glad you spent your birthday with people instead of alone!