I have to be careful not to say "I am so excited," "je suis si excitée" to my host family. The correct phrase is je suis enthousiaste. I won't tell you exactly what the first phrase translates as, because this is a family bog, but let's just say that my host family would get the wrong idea about Zack and me. Unfortunately, I have told them in previous weeks that very many things excite me, including: the Mont St. Michel, Normandy Beaches, the Saturday market, finding peanut butter at the grocery store, and January sales. They have been very kind in pretending like I hadn't said anything embarrassing.
I can't wait to show Zack everything I've fallen in love with in France, and I can't wait to see his reaction to things that surprised me, like public urinals and private driving schools, cheap bread and expensive water. Hopefully I can teach him a little French while he's here, and hopefully the weather will be lovely. Wish him luck!
That picture is beautiful!